Saturday, March 13, 2010

Nepal and Mr B's

Nemaste to you all. This is just a short post to let you all know that we have arrived safely to a remote part of Nepal near Bardia National Park. We flew into Kathmandu and stayed two days and then off on an overnight bus ride for 14 hours. It's funny but I said after our last overnight bus ride that it was the last one but this one was already arranged for us.
I had read that bus travel is the most dangerous thing you could do in Nepal and never to go at night. Well we found out why! The bus was overcrowded and the road made the backroads of Nova Scotia look great. Thankfully we were on the inside of the road (when the driver stayed on it!) because the outside was sheer drops and washed out edges and curvy curvy and up and down. Sometime about 2 in the morning after hours of the driver driving like a maniac, he sideswiped a transport and all the rear widows on our side of the bus got blown out and the bus filled with smoke. Everyone scrambled off the bus and luckily no serious injuries. The driver ran away at first because it is common to have the passengers attack the driver in these situations especially if he hasn't been driving properly.
After standing on the side of the road, there were no other tourists on the bus, for a few hours and the driver coming back it was decided that we should continue. It was with great relief that we eventually saw the sign for Ambossa where we were headed. We were greeted by the friendly smiles of Mr. B who is a friend of Oliver's. We are staying in his guesthouse and hoping to volunteer here somewheres. He and his wife also stay here because they have so many people in their home.
So that's it I guess. I'd love to tell you lots more but I can't use the computer for long. We have already fallen in love with Nepal and have lots to tell already but it will have to wait for another time.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You two should have enough material for a movie script by now! Just get home in one piece!
Jeff and Kamile :-)